Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our cup runneth over

Big progress this past week. Lilly is officially swaddle-free! She has been addicted to her swaddle and could not go to sleep without it, but she was quickly outgrowing the Miracle Blanket and we had to do something! She was so sleepy from her shots that the transition was pretty easy.

At least we don't have to wean her from a bottle or paci too!
Sippy cup is out. Cup is in. She loves the cup. Laps it up like a little puppy. Most of it spills all over her but at least she's trying to drink it. We also started "solids" this week, giving her a little bit of rice cereal. She really likes it! It's so fun and very messy.

Matt got a tree planted in the back yard. We love adding greenery to our home. It will be fun to watch the trees grow over the years.

Experimenting with bows.

We are loving discussing Crazy Love by Francis Chan with our friends. It is challenging us to think about our lives and what we need to do differently to show that God is #1. A little overwhelming at times but it's a great book!

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