We've enjoyed spending Sunday afternoons at our friends' house watching football. Lilly and Cooper like to play together and she really loves trying to dive out the door of the inflatable jumper!
"Who me? Cute in these overalls??"
I just love this goofy grin!!
Date night: Razorback game
A big thanks to the grandparents for giving us the best date night ever! Free tickets to the Auburn game and free babysitting for 7 hours! Woo pig! My favorite part was walking from the parking lot (really far away) to the stadium. It's not very often that Matt and I just get to walk somewhere and hold hands!! There were soooo many people along the way. All dressed in red and white, tailgating, and yelling at anyone who dared wear blue and orange on our campus!
We had such a great time. It was fun to be on campus again and reminisce, eat some hot dogs, and watch a really good football game. Typically I have a hard time even knowing where the ball is during a football game. The players are very still and then they scramble around like crazy and I'm just trying to find who has the ball and Matt is hollering about some kind of play that didn't work out and then in 0.7 seconds they stop! Frustrating! But there was one play, where they were on the 3 yard line, and like slow-motion I saw every step that player took when he ran the ball down 97 yards for a touch down! It was awesome!
I've been working on my recipe collection and trying to get new ones and figure out a meal plan that rotates so we don't get bored with the same 'ol same 'ol. (Don't even mention spaghetti around Matt...)
So I started a blog that I'm hoping my friends will get excited about and we can share recipes! It's www.brandnewrecipes.blogspot.com Check it out and email me if you want to be able to post! Right now I'm working a meal plan that will use all of the ingredients I have instead of leaving open jars of things in the fridge for weeks and tossing out tortillas that are questionable. I'll let you know how it goes.
A new family tradition has begun. We will be going to the corn maze every year. Although it was a little hot, we still had a great time. Lilly petted the goats, we walked through the maze, shot a corn cob out of a pressurized pipe gun, and rode a tractor to the pumpkin patch!
I guess Lilly wasn't enjoying the tractor ride.
I think Matt looks super studly in his new flannel shirt!!
The end.